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We Will Fight For You Following Hospital Surgical Errors

Negligence can occur anywhere, even in hospitals and other medical facilities. The frustration of dealing with a medical malpractice injury may seem unbearable. But with our help as experienced lawyers, you can leave the incident in the past. If you or someone you love suffers a malpractice injury in Pennsylvania, contact us today and begin your road to recovery.

You have the right to take legal action and obtain just compensation. The experienced lawyers at John A. Caputo & Associates, P.C., can be your voice and help you fight for your rights as a victim.

Our Attorneys Can Help You With Sub-Standard Care:

Below acceptable standard care can cause serious injury or even death. Unfortunately, surgical errors are more common than you might think. It is estimated that each year thousands of people are injured due to surgical accidents.

The following are some examples of typical surgical mistakes for which you should contact medical malpractice lawyers.

  • Failure to diagnose: This means that the physician did not consider the possibility of the disease or problem when he should have and assured the chance to diagnose in time to prevent them.
  • Delay in diagnosis: A doctor may be too busy, or may not recognize the disease present or does not care enough to proceed quickly to treatment or surgery.
  • Surgical misidentification: This means a surgeon did not properly identify the anatomy and cut tissues that should not have been touched but should have been protected.
  • Surgical complications unrecognized: Sometimes a surgeon does not consider that his surgery was less successful than he had hoped, and fails to appreciate that a patient who has a complication needs immediate attention.
  • Nursing negligence: This can include a failure to monitor and assess a patient’s symptoms that, then go unreported or it can include an egregious error in providing fluids or medication.

Securing Your Future After Serious Injury

We are grateful for the opportunity to represent clients from all walks of life. Our Pittsburgh firm focuses on the goals of minimizing clients’ losses, obtaining significant recovery for injuries, and providing security and comfort to the families in death actions. Contact us online or call 412-620-6361 for a free consultation to discuss the specifics of your situation. When we accept your case, you owe nothing out of pocket until we recover compensation for you.